iPhone Storage Upgrade

Is it posible to epxand my iPhone’s memory without buying iCloud Storage?.

If your iPhone’s storage is full, you may consider expanding your memory without having to purchase iCloud storage?.

What Is iPhone Memory Exapansion

So let,s suppose that you purchased your iPhone with 64 gigabytes of storage and you then realised that you need more storage than that. We can expand the storage for you.

How Does Memory Upgrade Work?

All your information is stored in a chip called NAND. If your NAND chip has 256 gigabytes of storage it means your iPhone has 256 gigabytes of storage.

Chaging the NAND chip also changes the storage size  on your iPhone which means we can replace your current storage chip with a larger one.


Is There Risk Involved?

Depending on the technician doing the repair, risk might be involved. Apart from data loss which is inevitable during memory upgrade, technicians that are not properly trained may damage the iPhone rendering it unusable.

How Do I Avoid Data Loss Durng The Upgrde?

Backing up all the data before giving the iPhone for memory upgrade is advisable.

At your request, we can save all your data into our machines by creating a full backup. Once the upgrde is done, we restore all your data back into your device. We can also send you the copy of the backup so that you may use it in case you need it in the future.

What Is The Difference Between Nand Upgrade And Buying Icloud Storage?

Expanding the memory saves you money as it is a once off purchase and removes the need to purchase storage every month buying icloud storage. 

Icloud storage purchase is however good in a sense that your data is in the cloud so should anything happen to your iPhone, you are guaranteed that all your data is available and can be resored back into a new iPhone should you need it